React : State Management Libraries

Vaishnavi Neema
4 min readSep 4, 2023
  1. Compare and contrast Redux and Mobx for state management in React.


Redux and Mobx are both popular state management libraries used with React (and other JavaScript frameworks) to manage the state of an application. They have different philosophies and approaches, and here’s a comparison of Redux and Mobx:


  1. Immutable State: Redux enforces an immutable state. Instead of modifying the state directly, you create a new state object every time an action is dispatched. This approach helps with predictability and debugging.
  2. Centralized Store: Redux uses a single, centralized store that holds the entire application state. This makes it easy to access and manage the state globally.
  3. Explicit Updates: In Redux, updates to the state are explicit and deterministic. Actions are dispatched to describe state changes, and reducers are responsible for handling these actions and producing new state.
  4. Predictable Data Flow: Redux follows a strict unidirectional data flow, making it easier to reason about how data changes propagate through the application.
  5. Middleware Support: Redux has a middleware system that allows you to intercept and modify actions or perform asynchronous operations, making it well-suited for complex side effects like API calls.
  6. Community and Ecosystem: Redux has a large and active community, along with a rich ecosystem of middleware, dev tools, and extensions.


  1. Mutable State: Mobx allows mutable state by default. You can directly modify observable state properties without creating new objects. This can lead to simpler and more natural code in some cases.
  2. Decentralized State: In Mobx, state can be decentralized. You can create multiple observable stores for different parts of the application, giving you flexibility in how you structure your state.
  3. Implicit Updates: Mobx uses observables and decorators to automatically track dependencies between data and components. When an observable changes, the affected components automatically re-render. This can reduce the amount of boilerplate code compared to Redux.
  4. Flexibility: Mobx provides more flexibility in how you structure your code. You can choose between observable classes, objects, and functions, making it easier to adopt in existing projects.
  5. Asynchronous Actions: While Mobx can handle asynchronous actions, it doesn’t have a middleware system like Redux. You might need additional libraries like mobx-state-tree or mobx-react to manage asynchronous operations.
  6. Learning Curve: Mobx can have a lower learning curve for developers familiar with object-oriented programming and mutable state. It’s often seen as more approachable for beginners.

Key Differences:

  • Mutability: Redux enforces immutability, while Mobx allows mutability by default.
  • Centralization: Redux uses a single centralized store, while Mobx allows for multiple decentralized stores.
  • Update Mechanism: Redux requires explicit action dispatch and reducer updates, whereas Mobx uses observables and automatic updates.
  • Predictability vs. Flexibility: Redux offers a strict and predictable data flow, while Mobx provides more flexibility and might be less predictable in complex applications.
  • Middleware: Redux has a middleware system for handling side effects, whereas Mobx may require additional libraries for similar functionality.
  • Learning Curve: Redux can have a steeper learning curve due to its strict rules, while Mobx may be more accessible to developers with OOP experience.

The choice between Redux and Mobx depends on your project’s requirements, team’s preferences, and your familiarity with the libraries. Redux is often chosen for large-scale applications with complex state management needs and a desire for strict data flow control, while Mobx is often preferred for smaller projects or when simplicity and flexibility are prioritized. Ultimately, both libraries are capable of managing state effectively in React applications.

2. What is the Context API in React, and how is it used for state management?


The Context API is a built-in feature in React that provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props manually at every level. It’s primarily used for sharing state or other data that can be considered “global” or shared among multiple components.

The Context API consists of two main components:

  1. Provider: The Provider component is responsible for making the data available to its child components. It accepts a value prop, which can be any JavaScript value, such as an object, string, number, or function.
  2. Consumer: The Consumer component allows child components to access the data provided by the nearest Provider ancestor in the component tree. Consumers use a render prop pattern to consume and use the data.

Here’s how you can use the Context API for state management in React:

  1. Create a Context:
  2. First, you create a context using the React.createContext() function. This function returns an object with two properties: Provider and Consumer.
  • import React, { createContext } from 'react'; // Create a context const MyContext = createContext();
  1. You wrap the part of your component tree where you want to share the data with a Provider component. This provider sets the value prop to the data you want to share.
  • function App() { const sharedData = 'This is shared data'; return ( <MyContext.Provider value={sharedData}> <ChildComponent /> </MyContext.Provider> ); }
  1. Access Data with a Consumer:
  2. In the child components that need access to the shared data, you use the Consumer component to access and use that data.
  • function ChildComponent() { return ( <MyContext.Consumer> {(data) => ( <div>{data}</div> )} </MyContext.Consumer> ); }

With this setup, ChildComponent can access the sharedData provided by the MyContext.Provider in the ancestor component, without the need to pass props down the component tree manually.

The Context API can also be used for more complex state management by providing objects or functions as the value prop of the Provider. You can update the shared data by using state management patterns like useState and useContext to access and modify the context's data.

Keep in mind that while the Context API is a powerful tool for managing shared data, it’s best suited for cases where you have a relatively small amount of shared state that doesn’t change frequently. For more complex state management, you may consider using state management libraries like Redux or Mobx.

